2020: a memorable year in the olive grove!

The year 2020 has been very satisfactory for the production of olives and olive oils at Fattoria La Maliosa.

From a climatic point of view, the regular temperatures and the limited thermal excursions have greatly favored the delicate flowering period (month of May) and the subsequent limited temperature variations contributed to an optimal fruit set which resulted in an abundant and generalized quantity of fruits.

In the period from June to August there was a total absence of rainfall which caused a slowdown in the regular formation and growth of the olives also due to the abundant production load. Some rains starting from the end of August were very beneficial for the resumption of the normal physiological activity of the olive trees. For cultivars with a higher fruit load (for example Leccino) the recovery was slower and even the accumulation of oil in the olive began later.

The harvest started very early since the last days of September with the Frantoio variety and ended in mid-November with the Leccino variety.

Leccio del Corno, from which we extract our cru monocultivar La Maliosa Caletra, had a slow and gradual ripening that allowed us to harvest regularly.

It should be noted that, despite a mild winter, the 2020 vintage was very unfavorable to the olive fly, whose presence was manifested in a completely marginal way. This has resulted in an exceptional health of the olives and consequently extra virgin olive oils of a very high qualitative content, with polyphenol values even over 1200 mg / kg and low peroxide value. From these promising results we expect a good potential for the duration of the qualitative and organoleptic characteristics over time.

It was a truly memorable year both in terms of quantity and quality!

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