12 months on the farm

Keeping with our annual tradition, I’d like to revisit with you who support us through reading, sharing and caring about our work, the most important moments of 2014.
It has been a year of great effort and growth, and just like a small tree, the time has come to face the first storm.
We experienced mixed emotions; excitement, responsibility and self-consciousness towards our identity. Yes, we felt a bit like a teenager who arrives at their destination on their first solo trip.
So here is the story of our journey through 2014:

In February, we had our first Caves de Pyrenes tasting in Reggio Emilia with friend Niccolò Desenzani, who presented the Maliosa Bianco 2013.

In March, Edda, La Maliosa’s horse, gave birth to a beautiful Italian Heavy Draft filly, who we named Italia. Unfortunately, only three weeks later, our joy was mixed with tears as Eddy died from complications after birthing.


Against all expectations, Italia miraculously survived thanks to the care of two long time animal lovers who hand-fed her every three hours until weaning and kept her in their home like a small pet. In summer, her return to the farm was a cause for celebration and she was greeted by her Aunt Freida.

In Late April, after continuous rain delays, we planted the first hectare of thenew vineyard at Santa Francesca, then continued with the vineyard at Scovaventi and finished with the new area at Monte Cavallo in May.


In April, we participated for the third time in Vi.Vi.T, the natural wines pavilion at Vinitaly. Andrea Della Casa, a.k.a. Primo Bicchiere, presented La Maliosa’s wines.

In June, the farm welcomed a new pet, an Amiatina donkey (a protected species), renamed Luna.

The bees, which already during last year’s pilot program produced fantastic results, tripled their production, proving just how much they appreciate the natural and flower-filled environment at La Maliosa.
Honey extraction took place in May and August, and we produced a good six tonnes of honey.


On the commercial front, this summer, we dispatched our first order to our new Australian client. Proud! :)

In September, we still managed, despite the difficult weather conditions, record rainfall and low temperatures, to harvest wine for almost a month. In October,Lorenzo Corino announced he was satisfied with the results.

In October, we began harvesting the olives, but after only two days, we were overwhelmed by the second tragic flood to devastate the Maremma in two years.
At this point, the olives, totally decimated, were forgotten. Despite being saved from the flood, La Maliosa actively participated in the clean-up and rescue operations in the territory.

The good news is the confirmation of the Maliosa Rosso 2012 into the guide “Vignaioli e vini d’Italia 2015″ by Luciano Ferraro and Luca Gardini, awarding 200 excellent italian producers.

antonella manuli vini maliosa

In December, we wanted to end this challenging year with two new things and something sweet. A new website (stay tuned, online soon!) and the first La Maliosa eBook by botanist, Giovanna Nicaso, who, over two years, catalogued the wild flowers growing in the farm and throughout the Maremman territory.

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Our sweet thing is our honey, which we’ve dressed in new and original packaging just in time for the Christmas season.



Wishing you and your families and very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!

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