La Maliosa Biodynamic wines in New York

In March 2012 the first vintage of certified organic and biodynamic (Demeter) La Maliosa wines, the 2010 vintage, was presented to the public at Vivit, Exhibition of natural wines within Vinitaly in Verona (Italy). The interest in our La Maliosa Rosso and La Maliosa Bianco wines has been remarkable, and in some ways unexpected. Foreign traders have tasted our wines and carefully listened to their story: from the recovery of the old vineyard to the classification of all varieties present, in order to improve our territory’s typical ones; from the biodynamic work in the field which produces strong plants and healthy fruit, to the harvest when the grapes are at the right point of ripeness, to the natural wine making  which allows to find in the La Maliosa wines the taste of typical grapes of the area where our vines grow. All this is done taking into account the biodynamic calendar, with a lot of patience and great love for the vineyards and the grapes, to obtain a natural wine expression of its territory.

I vini biodinamici La Maliosa a New York
We had to deal with the demands of distant countries, with different laws from ours. Of course there was also pride in the success already achieved by our first Demeter vintage and willingness to address and resolve the bureaucratic requirements necessary to get the La Maliosa wines overseas.

The recognition of equivalence between the certified organic products in Europe and those certified USDA ORGANIC in USA, announced at the beginning of 2012 and entered into force on June 1st 2012, certainly was a great help. Together with our distributor Ross Bingham we submitted the analysis of our wines and the labels to be checked by the U.S. authorities. The only new requirements for the labels were to add the name of our American importer and the warnings of the U.S. Government on the harmfulness of alcohol for pregnant women and on alcohol consumption that may lessen your ability to drive, operate machinery and may cause damage to health.


With this precaution the La Maliosa Bianco and Rosso wines have been exported to the USA. For those who are  in the US or are planning to travel there, the biodynamic La Maliosa wines are now also available in New York, where they’ll bring the flavor of the Maremma to enjoy many toasts. You can find them at:

– Frannys Brooklyn

– DB Bistro Moderne

– Royal Wine Merchants

– Sip Fine Wines

– Frankly Wines

– Uva

– 67 Wines

– Kilo

– Blanc & Rouge 

A toast to all of you following our blog!

Dominique Mosca

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