These days there is an orderly bustle in the vineyard … we are selecting the grapes to be collected according to their degree of maturity and we look forward to the cellar where the natural process of fermentation will begin … While eagerly awaiting a break, a laugh and a sip of wine, we bring this seasonal risotto to the table…


The must-have grapes pair perfectly with blue cheeses like gorgonzola …

195 Risotto 2

Risotto with grapes and gorgonzola
Ingredients for 4 people
300g Carnaroli rice
1 shallot
1 glass of wine
1 litre of beef stock
160g of sweet gorgonzola
320g of table grapes
La Maliosa extra virgin olive oil
walnuts (optional)

In a saucepan, soften the chopped shallots with 4 tablespoons of oil. Add the rice and toast, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Deglaze with the white wine and allow to evaporate. Season with salt, cover with hot stock and cook until the rice is soft, stirring occasionally and adding more stock, if necessary. When almost cooked, add the gorgonzola. Meanwhile, wash the grapes, dry, cut in half and remove the pips. When the rice is cooked, add the grapes and serve (with the walnuts, if using).


We suggest you try this risotto as you can see, we haven’t enjoyed it at all!

Sara Milletti

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