Metodo Corino
The lucky encounter with the agronomist Lorenzo Corino gave a strong boost to the development of innovative techniques in the farm.
La Maliosa philosophy finds its embodiment in the “Metodo Corino” (registered patent and trademark), consisting of a set of innovative processes for grapes and wine production. The method was born to give centrality to what we consider most important in our work: the wholesomeness of the environment, the vitality of the soils, the health of producers and consumers.
We manage our land by focusing on a fundamental value for us, balance, strongly linked to biodiversity. The greater is the complexity of the ecosystem, the greater is the opportunity to have soils characterized by great harmony, and therefore plants that benefit from it. This is why our approach is poly-cultural, with a mosaic made up not only by vineyards but also by olive groves, woods and mixed grasslands.
The “Metodo Corino” makes targeted and innovative choices regarding the environmental conditions, the vines and the optimal cultivation techniques for vineyards with a high conservation value of places and landscapes. The grapes come from the professional and sustainable management of the vineyard and tend towards values of qualitative excellence and nutritional goodness; the cultivation is sustainable, if able to supply with a certain regularity products with a strong identity, with maximum respect of the territory.
This assessment of sustainability is measured by at least two factors: the Biological Quality of the Soil (QBS) and the Carbon Footprint (LCA-assessment) of the farm and products. Furthermore, the cultivation cycle based on vegetable materials produced on site is the fundamental choice.
In the transition from grape to wine, the fermentations take place naturally with indigenous yeasts and bacteria. The subsequent elaboration of the wine in the cellar is carried out with human expertise in the racking and in the ageing of the wine. Any additives or any invasive technology by chemical or physical intervention capable of modifying the origin and natural evolution of the wine avoided.

The GRAPE represents the only component that will give rise to the future wine. MAN is the craftsman and creator of the vineyard and wine as a healthy and original product.
Lorenzo Corino
The long experience of Lorenzo Corino, the person who most of all, together with Antonella, has contributed to forging the essence of La Maliosa is at the root of the Method. Agronomist, researcher, vigneron, wine writer, but above all a man of great culture and a pioneer of sustainability in the field of wine and agriculture. His last years in particular, thanks to the collaboration with La Maliosa, Lorenzo had dedicated himself to disseminating to a non-scientific public through conferences, a blog and various publications, including the book “The essence of wine and natural viticulture”, translated into several languages.
In particular, his ability to crystallize even very complex themes through simple assumptions within anyone’s reach is extraordinary. One above all, the importance of knowing how to wait for nature, to give it the right time and not to be in a hurry to get to the final result. Another concept dear to Corino was that of a respectful and highly pragmatic agronomy. Here too, the rule is simple: every choice, at La Maliosa, has a concrete reason and aims at a result that is above all agronomic. A further topic of primary importance for Lorenzo concerned the interventions in the vineyard and in the cellar. In order to intervene, the bare minimum, it is first necessary to work a lot to create the right conditions. Complexity , biodiversity ,ecosystem in balance : these are the solid foundations that allow to follow a respectful and non-interventionist approach.
Lorenzo left us in November 2021, but continues to be with us every day. In the landscape, in the “Vigne Giardino” that we have modeled together, in the cycles of nature, and above all in the values that guide us towards the future.